IP Blacklisting

Rauthy can blacklist certain IP that should be prevented from even trying to access it.
Each blacklisting will always have an expiry. This is important because most client IPs will be ephemeral.

Automatic Blacklisting

Blacklisting with different timeouts will happen automatically, for instance when thresholds for invalid logins have been reached or it is obvious that someone is scanning Rauthy's API. The scan detection is very basic, but will catch suspicious requests and bots automatically.

With failed logins, not only the timeout will be increased to send an answer back to the client to prevent brute-force attacks. Rauthy also has the following default thresholds for blacklisting IPs:

Failed logins -> Blacklist duration

  • 7 fails -> 1 minute
  • 10 fails -> 10 minutes
  • 15 fails -> 15 minutes
  • 20 fails -> 1 hour
  • 25 fails -> 1 day
  • after 25 logins, each additional fail will result in an additional day of blacklisting.

In addition to blacklisting, the timeout's for failed logins in between these steps will be longer the higher the failed attempts counter is.

Suspicious Request Blacklisting

As mentioned already, Rauthy has basic capabilities to detect API scanners and bots. These are called suspicious requests internally.

By default, Rauthy will immediately block such IPs if it detects them. However, you may not want this for whatever reason. You can modify this behavior with the following config setting:

# The "catch all" route handler on `/` will compare the request path
# against a hardcoded list of common scan targets from bots and attackers.
# If the path matches any of these targets, the IP will be blacklisted
# preemptively for the set time in minutes.
# You can disable it with setting it to `0`.
# default: 1440

# This will emit a log with level of warning if a request to `/` has
# been made that has not been caught by any of the usual routes and
# and handlers. Apart from a request to just `/` which will end in
# a redirect to `/auth/v1`, all additional path's will be logged.
# This can help to improve the internal suspicious blocklist in the
# future.
# default: false

At the time of writing, events for suspicious requests do not exist yet. This might change in the future.

Manual Blacklisting

You can also manually blacklist an IP, either via the Admin UI or with an API Key with the correct access rights. Just navigate to Blacklist in the Admin UI and click Blacklist IP.


The blacklist currently is in-memory only. This means you loose all blacklisted IPs when Rauthy restarts.

The reason behind this is that blacklisting usually happens in scenarios under attack, when you want to do as little work as possible, for instance to not end up with a DoS. The blacklisting middleware is also the very first one in the API stack, even before access logging, to make sure Rauthy has the least amount of work blocking blacklisted IP's.


After a blacklisting expires, the entry will be fully removed from Rauthy and you will not see it anymore.

Blacklist Events

You may or may not be notified about different blacklisting events. All auto-blacklistings will trigger an event. The levels change depending on the failed login counter. You can adopt the levels to your likings by setting:

# The level for the generated Event after certain amounts of false logins from an IP
# default: critical
# default: critical
# default: warning
# default: warning
# default: notice
# default: info

The event level for all other blacklistings can be set with this value:

# The level for the generated Event after an IP has been blacklisted
# default: warning