First Start

Initial admin password and login

With the very first start of rauthy, or better with an empty database, when rauthy is starting, it does not only create all the necessary schemas and initial data, but also some sensitive information will be generated safely. This includes a set of Json Web Keys (JWKS) for the token signing and some secrets.

The most important of these newly generated secrets is the default admin user's password.
When this is securely generated with the very first start, it will be logged into the console. This will only happen once and never again.

Logs with docker

docker logs -f rauthy

Logs with Kubernetes

kubectl -n rauthy logs -f rauthy-0


If you do a Kubernets HA deployment directly, only the Pod rauthy-0 will log the initial password.


If you missed this log entry, you will not be able to log in.
If this is the case, you can delete the database / volume and just restart rauthy.

The log message contains a link to the accounts page, where you then should log in to immediately set a new password. Follow the link, use as the default admin and as password the copied value from the log.

  • When logged into the account, click EDIT and CHANGE PASSWORD to set a new password
  • Log out of the account and try to log in to the admin ui with the new password

Custom rauthy admin user

It is a good idea, to either keep the as a fallback user with just a very long password, or disable it, after a custom admin has been added.

When logged in to the admin UI, you can add a new user. When the SMTP settings are correctly configured in the config, which we can test right now, you will receive an E-Mail with the very first password reset.


If you do not receive an E-Mail after the first user registration, chances are you may have a problem with the SMTP setup.
To debug this, you can set LOG_LEVEL=debug in the config and then watch the logs after a restart.

rauthy_admin user role

The role, which allows a user to access the admin UI, is the rauthy_admin.
If the user has this role assigned, he will be seen as an admin.

Under the hood, rauthy itself uses the OIDC roles and groups in the same way, as all clients would do. This means you should not neither delete the rauthy default client, nor the rauthy_admin role. There are mechanisms to prevents this happening by accident via UI, but you could possibly do this via a direct API call.
There are some anti-lockout mechanisms in place in the backend, which will be executed with every start, but being careful at this point is a good idea anyway.