If you do have TLS certificates from another source already, skip directly to Config.

Generating Certificates


We are using another project of mine called Nioca for an easy creation of a fully functioning and production ready private Root Certificate Authority (CA).

I suggest to use docker for this task. Otherwise, you can use the nioca binary directly on any linux machine. If you want a permanent way of generating certificates for yourself, take a look at Rauthys justfile and copy and adjust the recipes create-root-ca and create-end-entity-tls to your liking.
If you just want to get everything started quickly, follow these steps:

Create an alias for the docker command

alias nioca='docker run --rm -it -v ./:/ca -u $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER})'

To see the full feature set for more customization than mentioned below:

nioca x509 -h

Generate full certificate chain

To make your browser happy, your need to have at least one --alt-name-dns for the URL of your application. You can define as many of them as you like.

nioca x509 \
    --cn 'Rauthy Default' \
    --o 'Rauthy OIDC' \
    --alt-name-dns localhost \
    --alt-name-dns rauthy.rauthy \
    --alt-name-dns rauthy.rauthy.svc.cluster.local \
    --usages-ext server-auth \
    --usages-ext client-auth \
    --stage full \

You will be asked 6 times (yes, 6) for an at least 16 character password:

  • The first 3 times, you need to provide the encryption password for your Root CA
  • The last 3 times, you should provide a different password for your Intermediate CA

When everything was successful, you will have a new folder named x509 with sub folders root, intermediate and end_entity in your current one.

From these, you will need the following files:

cp x509/intermediate/ca-chain.pem . && \
cp x509/end_entity/$(cat x509/end_entity/serial)/cert-chain.pem . && \
cp x509/end_entity/$(cat x509/end_entity/serial)/key.pem .
  • You should have 3 files in ls -l:


The reference config contains a TLS section with all the values you can set.

For this example, we will be using the same certificates for both the internal cache mTLS connections and the public facing HTTPS server.


Hiqlite can run the whole database layer, and it will always take care of caching. It can be configured to use TLS internally, if you provide certificates. Simply provide the following values from the TLS section in the reference config:

# If given, these keys / certificates will be used to establish
# TLS connections between nodes.


There is no problem using the same certificates for both networks, but you can optionally even separate them if you need to. You could even re-use the Server TLS, if your DNS setup allows for this.


At the time of writing, it does not accept a custom Root CA yet. In this case you have to set the *_DANGER_TLS_NO_VERIFY to true

Rauthy Server / API

By default, rauthy will expect a certificate and a key file in /app/tls/tls.key and /app/tls/tls.crt, which is the default naming for a Kubernetes TLS secret. The expected format is PEM, but you could provide the key in DER format too, if you rename the file-ending to *.der.

You can change the default path for the files with the config variables TLS_CERT and TLS_KEY.


If you did not follow the above procedure to generate the CA and certificates, you may need to rename the files in the following command, to create the Kubernetes secrets.

Secrets - Rauthy Server / API

kubectl -n rauthy create secret tls rauthy-tls --key="key.pem" --cert="cert-chain.pem"

Secrets - hiqlite cache

kubectl -n rauthy create secret tls hiqlite-tls --key="key.pem" --cert="cert-chain.pem"


We create the hiqlite-tls here with the exact same values. You could of course either use different certificates, or not create a separate secret at all and just re-use the Rauthy TLS certificates, if you DNS setup allows for proper validation in this case.

Config Adjustments - REST API

We need to configure the newly created Kubernetes secrets in the sts.yaml from the Kubernetes setup.

  1. In the spec.template.spec.volumes section, we need to mount the volumes from secrets:


- name: rauthy-tls
    secretName: rauthy-tls

hiqlite cache:

- name: hiqlite-tls
    secretName: hiqlite-tls
  1. In the spec.template.spec.containers.[rauthy].volumeMounts section, add::


- mountPath: /app/tls/
  name: rauthy-tls
  readOnly: true

hiqlite cache:

- mountPath: /app/tls/hiqlite/
  name: hiqlite-tls
  readOnly: true

After having modified the config from above and the sts.yaml now, just apply both:

kubectl apply -f config.yaml
kubectl apply -f sts.yaml

The rauthy pods should restart now and TLS is configured.